聯系方式:16866666 電 話:023-67629768 傳 真:023-67629636
地 址:重慶市江北區紅錦大道1號理想大廈A棟 郵 編:400020
重慶市公共交通控股(集團)有限公司于2002年6月11日正式掛牌成立,是重慶市國有資產監督管理委員會出資組建的國有獨資企業,對其全資、控股和參股企業的有關國有資產行使出資人權利,依法進行經營、管理和監督,并相應承擔保值增值責任,主要從事資本運行和資產經營及管理,下屬19個單位。資產總額為25.51億元,現有員工33008人(其中離退休人員6058人),營運車輛6107輛(其中出租車644輛),運營線路336條,線路總長8008.5公里。日營運6.41萬班次,日平均客運量267.85萬人次,日平均運行里程105.76萬公里。2005年6月,公司成為全國首家通過ISO9001:2000質量體系認證的公交大型企業。 公司主要經營客運及相關的多項產業,如汽車制造、汽車修理、汽車配件、旅游、餐飲等,擁有西南最大客車制造廠、修理廠及樞紐站,有不同類型的客車滿足人民群眾日益增長的乘車需求。公司堅持以生產經營為基礎,資產經營為重點,資本運營為手段,目前已逐步步入良性發展。
CPT Overview Chongqing public Traffic Holding(group)Co.,Ltd(CPT).Founded on June 11th,2002,is a large state-ownde enterprise,which has been managed and supervised by chongqing Municipal State-ownde Assets Supervision and Administration Commission.With a total asset of 2.551 billion,CPT has 33008 staff and 19 subordinate unites.by the end of 2004,CPT owns 6107 operating vehiclesof various kinds (including 644 cabs)and 336 bus routes(totaling8008.5km),with daily mileage and passenger trips topping 1.05 million km and 2.67 million respectively.on june,2005,CPT became the first large-scale public transport enterprise in China to pass the certification of ISO9001:2000 Quality Management System. Mainly engagling in passenger transportation,CPT also involves in diversified operations such as bus manufacturing,bus repairs,auto parts,tourism service,restaurant etc.Meanwhile,it boasts the largest bus factory,repair factory and junction station in the southwest of China.And it has various kinds of vehicles to cater to the needs of different passengers.Sticking to its principle of making organically integrated production management,asset management and capital management,CPT has stepped into a new stage of smooth and rapid development.